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useUnit is a brand-new hook which allows you to bind stores, events, and effects to React render cycle.

It is preferable than useStore/useEvents:

  • it enables store updates batching, which can significantly increase React performance
  • it does not have name collision with future React useEvent internal hook
  • it has more explicit naming, old useEvent accepts events and effect, so its name is a bit implicit, new useUnit accepts any unit

You can replace useStore/useEvent by useUnit as is or replace all old hooks with only one useUnit

// 👎 old approach
function OldComponent() {
  const value = useStore($value);
  const eventFn = useEvent(event);
  const effectFn = useEvent(effectFx);

  return (
      <button onClick={eventFn}>Call event</button>
      <button onClick={effectFn}>Call effect</button>

// 👍 new approach
function NewComponent() {
  const [value, eventFn, effectFn] = useUnit($value, event, effectFx);

  return (
      <button onClick={eventFn}>Call event</button>
      <button onClick={effectFn}>Call effect</button>

Released under the MIT License.